Thursday, 2 June 2016

8 - Keep calm

This chapter is all about our need to find moments of calm - and how that can change our perspective on lifes stresses and strains.

There’s a poem called ‘the peace of wild things’ by a guy called Wendall Berry which puts perfectly into words how a change of perspective and a moment of calm can help us manage stress. You can read it online here - or check out this reading of it.

About Mindfulness

If you want to know more about Mindfulness and how it can be helpful in the treatment of various emotional health conditions, this bbc radio4 program is a very interesting introduction. However it does focus heavily on some of the Eastern religious perspectives on mindfulness, so don’t be too put off by this. You might want to watch the TED talk by Andy Puddecombe (the guy behind the headspace app - see ‘Chill out’) looking at how just 10 mindful minutes could transform your day.

If you find yourself still feeling a bit unsure about mindfulness and its background in eastern philosophy, it is worth reading some of the writings of Christian clinicians and therapists who champion its use. Here’s an open letter Shaun Lambert wrote to someone with similar concerns - and his book ‘A book of sparks’ takes you through a 40 day study looking at Jesus own ‘watchfulness’ and how you can develop your own skills through contemplative prayer.

Want to practice some more mindfulness? This article suggests 6 exercises you can do in less than 1 minute - or you could seek out a local course. If you do be aware that some combine mindfulness with some more ‘spiritual’ approaches so it is always worth chatting to the course leader before you go along. 

Refuel: How to balance work, life, faith and church - without burning out by Kate Middleton is available in paperback, priced £9.99. 

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